
Our Story

From the early stages of idea conception to the implementation and expansion of a fully operational business, we empower our clients through our comprehensive business management systems. By leveraging technology and innovation, we streamline processes, improve efficiency, and enhance productivity to maximize their chances of success.

In addition to business management systems, we understand that access to funding resources is often a critical factor in transforming entrepreneurial visions into flourishing businesses. Therefore, we have established vital partnerships with financial institutions, investors, and venture capitalists. Through these relationships, we connect our clients with the necessary funding to fuel their growth and development.

What We Do

At Zanu consult Ltd , our foundation is built on a deep commitment to entrepreneurial success. Since our establishment in 2023, we have dedicated ourselves to helping aspiring entrepreneurs start and grow their businesses. Recognizing the challenges faced by those with innovative ideas and ambitious dreams, we have designed our company to provide essential tools, guidance, and financial resources.

meet our team

Our team consists of experienced professionals in various fields, including business management, finance, and entrepreneurship. With expertise honed through years of industry experience, we are equipped to deliver tailored solutions that address the unique needs of each entrepreneur we work with.

Tiffany Patrick
Web Creator
Plan, create and code internet sites and web pages.
Ernie Wilks
Web Creator
Plan, create and code internet sites and web pages.
Celeste Munro
Web Creator
Plan, create and code internet sites and web pages.